Archives de catégorie : 912 club media

on parle du 912 club dans les medias


The Rise of the Porsche 912. You won’t look at this model the same way again.

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« In the latest installment of autoblog Petrolicious’ video series, the publication features graphic designer Antoine Gaslais and his 1967 Porsche 912. Long-considered the “four-cylinder 911,” the model is unfortunately often overlooked as a lesser version of its more popular counterpart. Although he admits that he initially considered the purchase a “stupid mistake”, Gaslais has definitely grown to appreciate its vintage aesthetic and smooth running thanks to a dedicated process of refurbishment. Employing a distinct Bahama Yellow exterior finish, this unique Porsche 912 is sure to urge any gearhead to take a second look. You can check out Antoine’s full story above. »



Profiling a perfect Porsche 912

The poor-man’s Porsche isn’t for poor men anymore, but it’s still  gorgeous.

porsche 912 ad

« READ MORE: Porsche was testing a flat-four in a 911 at the Nurburgring

Petrolicious stopped in to chat with Julien Borne about his 1967 912. his car is a thing of absolute beauty, and Borne  has more than a few choice words about what makes the thing so special. »

Check it out in the video below.


Porsche 912 : parfaitement imparfaite !

Auto Plus

« Découvrez en vidéo la passion d’Antoine Gaslais pour sa Porsche 912 dans un très beau portrait signé Petrolicious.

La Porsche 912 fait partie de ces voitures malaimées à leur sortie et qui, avec le temps et l’âge, ont finalement réussi à se faire une place au milieu des voitures les plus désirables. Il faut dire que son dessin, qu’elle partage avec la 911/1, a vite fait de faire oublier son « flat 4 » (celui de la 356) qui lui procurait des performances bien en deçà de celles de sa grande sœur. Si bien que ces dernières années, les tarifs de la 912 n’ont cessé de grimper sur le marché des anciennes.
Dans l’un de ses derniers reportages, le site américain Petrolicious, qui réalise des portraits de passionnés et du lien qui les unis avec leur voiture, s’est rendu en France, à la rencontre d’Antoine Gaslais, l’heureux propriétaire d’une 912 de 1967. »

Découvrez ce très beau portrait Petrolicious d’Antoine Gaslais et de sa 912 sur ce lien !

Soursce :


Designer’s Most Important Work Is His Porsche


Un reportage d’Antoine Gaslais sur Petrolicious, en complément de la vidéo .



By Petrolicious Productions
14 December 2015
Designer’s Most Important Work Is His Porsche

« Antoine Gaslais is a Parisian-based artist and classic car enthusiast. His studio, located just a few kilometers from the capital, is in a pretty, old village. And while he trained as a designer he’s been freelancing since September 2001 and parallel to his work as an art director, he developed his screen printing workshop craft. He obviously keeps very busy with work and art, but he says that his most important current job is working on his car, « because it is my favorite subject. In particular posters for my club or my travels with my Porsche. »




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Antoine Gaslais Prints and Porsche


« Really pleased to discover the latest Petrolicious video sheds some more light on this very familiar old Porker, seriously if you browse through instagram #WheelsandWaves this lovely Bahama Yellow Porsche 912 is probably the most photographed ride at that event. Its really good to finally learn about its providence from owner Antoine Gaslais and see and hear more about it. It also turns out Antione is also a pretty creative guy knocking out some excellent screen prints many inspired by his lovely old Porsche. I lost track of how many time I’ve said this but once again hats off to Petrolicious for inspiring everyone who watches to take a chance on a classic atleast once in their life. »




Petrolicious Features 1967 Porsche 912-01

« The 1967 Porsche 912, sometimes teasingly called the “4-cylinder 911,” is the focus of autoblogPetrolicious‘s latest video. Antoine Gaslais, a contemporary artist, tells the story of how he bought his 912 “as a mistake.” Wanting a classic, original car, he won an auction on the 912 and ended up with a car that didn’t run. Thankfully, a few fixes down the line was all it needed, and has been running beautifully for the past year and a half. »



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